Sunday, February 25, 2007

The new TV that Jimmy rescued was on, a fuzzy picture of the events of an afternoon family barbecue fading in and out of it's screen. Jimmy peered out from behind the TV and called to Karen.
"Hey sweet pea, how's them samwiches comin'?!"
"You hold your horses, mister, or you won't be gettin' a sandwich today!" Karen replied.
The two were together again, as they had come to be so frequently. Karen looked up from the cutting board and saw the TV.
"Wait! Stop right there! The picture's clear, I can see everything!"
Jimmy slowly crept out from the TV and looked at the front- Karen was right, there was no static in sight. Rejoicing over his victory, Jimmy ran into the kitchen, grabbed Karen's waist and swept her, squealing, into his arms.
"Put me down, you silly man, or you can't have any lunch!"
After planting a big, wet, sloppy kiss on her lips, Jimmy placed Karen carefully on the yellow-tiled floor of the kitchen.
"You know, Jim-bo, we really ought to start decorating in here," Karen said.
"Well, as soon as I-"
Jimmy was cut off by a HUGE explosion coming from the vacant lot next door. Jimmy ran over to Karen and protected her as vases and glasses fell off the shelves and crashed onto the floor, the building shaking in the aftermath. Pavement debris smashed into the side of the buildling, creating even more turbulance. What seemed to last forever suddenly stopped, and all that was heard was little tinklings against the glass. All of a sudden, something broke through the middle of Jimmy's favorite stained glass window, breaking it into irreparable pieces. Jimmy leaned down to pick up the tiny, shimmering rock, and ran to join Karen at the window. Thousands of little, shiny rocks were flying through the air, breaking windows, knocking some unconcious, and making many people's days. An impeccably dressed man was standing right next to the what-used-to-be vacant lot, jumping up and down, shouting praises in some foreign language that Jimmy didn't recognize.
"Hey- I know him!" Karen exclaimed. "He came into my store one day! He said it was 'adorable,' what a sweet heart! I think he said he's from Italy!"
Jimmy didn't answer, but was instead wondering what in the world the rock was. He remembered seeing something like it before, maybe something that his mother had...
"HEY! This right here may be a diamond!" Jimmy yelled. "My momma has somethin right like this on her weddin' rang!"
"Well what do you know? Ah! Look at the Italian man!"
Jimmy ran back to the window and saw Eros scrambling around the outside of the vacant lot, picking up as many rocks as he could manage. He then moved his way inside the lot and began to roll around in the piles of diamonds that had fallen to the ground. Laughing to himself, Jimmy turned away, assessed them damage to the window, and began cleaning it up. For some reason, he didn't feel so bad about the window. It was as if a spell had been broken.
It was friday. Jimmy woke up at 8:30, almost late for work. He jumped in the shower, grabbed a quick bite to eat, and headed down to the garage. It wasn't until around lunch time that he realized that he hadn't woken up early in the morning and ran to the bathroom. He hadn't woken up again, later, on the cold tile floor. It was the first time since his dad died that he had had a normal friday morning. Maybe things were looking better after all...


Mamie said...

Karen sat at a worn kitchen table as she looked at the sales records for the past month at the gift shop. Things had really picked up and she was actually making a profit. A smile spread across Karen's face when she realized she should be able to keep the shop. Karen called out to Jimmy in the next room, "Guess what? I've made enough to keep the shop! I think I even have enough to buy some new inventory. Maybe even those cute handbags I was talking about the other day."
Jimmy came rushing into the room and wrapped Karen in a hug, "That's great, hun! I guess you knew just what this area needed. I don't know a single person who hasn't told me how much they love your shop."
"You know, I think the shop has perked up the block a bit. Maybe if sales continue to go up I can rent a building so the gift shop will have its own space."
"That sounds like an excellent idea," Jimmy responded, "if anyone can do it, you can!"
Karen packed up her business papers and then headed to the refrigerator door. "Well, I tell you what, I'll go make some chicken salad sandwiches for lunch while you finish up with the TV. I'd really love to watch Paula Deen later."
"Sounds like a plan. I love your chicken salad," Jimmy responded.
Just as Karen was finishing the sandwiches a huge boom filled the air. Karen rushed to the window only to see the nice Italian man from the gift shop standing in the vacant lot that was now destroyed. Karen could only think of how much life was different here, in Thallow Flats. However, she was starting to like the place.

Mamie said...

I changed what happened a little bit to Karen and Jimmy in my blog, but I tried to keep them about the same.