Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A couple of weeks had passed. Jimmy sat on the sofa in his living room, reminiscing about the previous night's date with Karen. He had borrowed one of Leo's old cars and picked her up from her shop. They drove around the city, not far from Thallow Flats, of course, and found a quiet Chinese restaurant. They talked and talked and talked, and Jimmy delighted in her smile and happiness. She reminded him of home. He thought she was adorable, especially as they were leaving, when she gasped and ran across the room to peer at the exotic fish in the tank.
"I wonder what it feels like, bein' able to breathe underwater and swim around all day!" she exclaimed.
Jimmy chuckled to himself, humming along with Prince as he sang "Little Red Corvette" in the background. He grabbed her hand, slid his other arm around her tiny waist, and walked together to the car. After he kissed her goodnight, Jimmy skipped up the stairs to his apartment, feeling so content that he slid right into bed and into a sound sleep.
Now, looking out the window, he saw the magnificent sunlight illuminate the drab cityscape surrounding him. With his feet propped up on a simple, wooden hand-made coffee table from home, Jimmy lingered over his sausage biscuit and grits. There were many things he wanted to do today, like covering the stained white walls with a pale blue paint, or maybe even build the model airplane he hadn't gotten the chance to start. Although he thoroughly enjoyed his new job, Jimmy was grateful to have a day off from Leo's dry humor and Buck's ceaseless growling.
Suddenly, he knew what he wanted to spend the day doing. He called Karen to say that they should both go out tonight and that he would come by her apartment around 6. It was 1 o'clock now, so he knew he'd have plenty of time. Running down the stairs into the lobby, Jimmy spotted Mamet, and called out to him.
"Mamet!" Jimmy's souther drawl echoed across the atrium, causing Mamet to turn around abruptly.
"Hello, Jimmy. How did your date go?"
"Well I'd say it was right nice. I'm plannin' on makin' Karen a surprise tonight, so where do ya reckon the nearest grocery is?"
Mamet thought for a second.
"I believe there's one not too far down the road, a long-ish walk. I think it's called something like Pig Wig or something," he said brusquely.
Two hours later, Jimmy returned to Thallow Flats with two paper bags full of groceries and a bouqet of fresh flowers. Once he was back in his apartment, Jimmy wrote Karen's invitation to dinner in careful calligraphy. When that was done, he began to cook like a madman- frying, baking and boiling. At around 5:30, Jimmy jumped in and out of the shower, dressed in his best outfit, grabbed a rose and the invitation and headed to Room 408. He placed them on the floor in front of the door, rang the doorbell and ran to the landing. Peeking behind the wall to see if she picked them up, Jimmy watched Karen open the door, bend down, read the note and smell the rose. He smiled. Singing "Dos Gardenias" and dancing back to his room, Jimmy stopped and thought for a moment.
He came here, to the city, to start anew. He got a job and then was robbed. A wonderful girl came into his life and wiped away his fright, his abandonment. He knew that, after all that had happened, he had no clue what could come around the corner. The city was so different from the country, so harsh, so strangely beautiful, so cold. He'd found someone who reminded him of home. Still- was he doing the right thing? Was love, while he was so naive in this new world, a good thing?
Deciding he'd finish the though later, Jimmy returned to the savory aromas of his apartment. While he waited for his date to arrive, he rearranged the bouqet of flowers on the kitchen counter for the third time, making sure they were perfect.


Anonymous said...

Shoooo Jimmy be straight pimpin

Shaun B. said...

Jason awoke to the sound of Sasha barking and whimpering as she skittered around on the apartment floors chasing some invisible figure. The movie had just finished, and the credits were playing. The herbs he bought from Roots were having the desired effect as he entered the fourth level of experience and found the clarity to see to how he should proceed. He finally understood that the past twelve years had been a waste. He had been wallowing in depression and his own self-pity. He remembered countless times where he promised himself he would live life happily and to its fullest but he always failed

Now it was different. Now he was ready to find someone who he could care for as much as he had for JLC. He reached into the inside pocket of his leather jacket and pulled out the slip of paper that she had placed there the night before and called the number. A smooth, sensual voice answered the phone, addressing him by his full name.

“It’s over. You have tried to pull me back in for the last time. I no longer feel the desperate desire for the physical pleasure which you used to keep me coming back. You had your chance, and you blew it. I’m moving on and this is the last time I plan to talk to you.” Then the line went dead, and as Jason’s heart beat steadily returned to normal, he began to think what his next move would be.

Was there anyone he liked or felt close to that lived in Thallow Flats? Anyone he felt he could trust and tell them anything and everything he was feeling? There was one person. She always seemed to walk around by herself and whenever she was in the Tavern, she never drank. She sat alone with her notebook at one of the old, grimy tables for hours, writing and watching. That’s one of the things he noticed about her, she was always watching people. A few times he thought he saw her looking at him. There was something different about her, a detachment from life, yet seeing the secret present in it. From what he knew, she was around 23 and was from the Middle East. She was very attractive and had a mysterious beauty surrounding her and her beautiful, innocent eyes. Whenever she smiled, her entire face lit up, making her that more beautiful.

The only problem was he had no confidence. He had never asked a girl out before, not even the one with whom he had spent two years of his life. That was one of the reasons he drank. He hoped that one day it would help him become looser and less nervous around women, but it never did. He was utterly pathetic, but hoped that it would be different just this once.
By this time Sasha was jumping up and down on the couch barking to be taken out. As they walked through the lobby, a man raced passed them, stopping just outside the door with a bewildered look in his eye, as he began to look frantically for some item of interest. He remembered this strange man as having introduced himself as Jimmy at the Tavern the night before. Jason thought it would be polite to say hi, but before he could say anything, Jimmy ran off down Main Street. As Jason walked with Sasha, he began to wonder how he would approach her.

RobintheHood said...

"I'm Click...and I'm Clank...and together we're the Tappet Brothers and we thank you for joining us....." Was all that Raymond heard as the Pinto spit oil in his face.

"Thats it...I've had enough of this" Raymond thought as the NPR affiliate began its fund raising telathon. He slid out from under the car, got up and quickly yanked the radio's power cord out from the wall.

He then went on to shake his head wildly to get the oil out but then noticed that another sound had now filled the garage as his stomach emitted a ferocious growl.

"If I hadn't been so rushed this morning then I wouldn't be so hungry!"

Technically the end of car talk did signal the noon hour and therefore his lunch time but he rarely took that luxury as it required him to rub elbows with all the other people out for lunch.

Today he decided that maybe lunch was a good idea after all and sat down on the back bumper of the Pinto to think about what to do.


The Pinto's bumper came lose on the end that Ray had his weight on and he fell to the floor.

"Gaul Darnit!!! wouldnt ya know!" he yelled loudly. The work on the Pinto had been fruitless so far and Leo had recently began bugging him to get it done with and now it was falling apart again.

He got on his feet and gave the Pinto a good look at, and then kicked in the other side of the bumper causing it to clang against the cement of the floor.

"Might as well give that new kid a clean slate to work with" He thought and a smirk came across his face. Might as well throw the new guy some of his work as he now had that Henry guy's car to fix.

Now what to eat? He pondered this question as he wandered out of the garage and down the street. He thought about the Diner but decided that he would much rather like to make his own meal at home. He was quite good at cooking as the death of his mother left him to often make his own meals.

He'd had Mac and Cheese last night and decided that he would like to have something a bit more complex for today's menu and then he saw the root shop, well the "Emporium" to be exact.

"Roots eh?" He thought as he looked into the new shop. There was an OPEN sign so he decided to enter.

He was immediately greated by an eager salesman type " Hello, Im Roots, welcome to ROOTS' EDIBLE HERB EMPORIUM, how can I help you on your journey today?"

There was nothing Ray hated more in the world than the overzealous salesman but because he was so interested in these roots he forced himself to stay.

"Um, yeah, can you show me some roots, I'm looking to make a quick soup, nothing all that complicated or expensive, just something that tastes good." Ray said to the man who called himself Roots.

"Sure, how about some Arracacha, that should work" said Roots as he motioned to a large Bin in the corner of the store.

"Yea um, just what I was thinking of, give me a few will ya?" Ray said as he pulled out his wallet. "How much I owe ya?"......

Ray payed his bill and trotted home to make a quick stew with the roots and get back to work. The nice thing about Leo is his long naps that allowed for extensive breaks from work, and today that break would let him fully enjoy his soup.

"How Am I supposed to make this?"

"What will this taste like?"

"Am I going to be Allergic?"

All of these worries ran throught his mind as he lit up the burner.....

Mamie said...

This is too cute for words! I love it!